Webinar: One Of The Industry’s Best Life Insurance Presentations

Register for the Corebridge Financial webinar dated January 25, 2023, at 3:00 pm central.

As we launch into 2023, don’t be one of those agents that struggles with convincing your clients that they need permanent life insurance.

In this presentation, you’ll hear a story about the importance of permanent life insurance, and a totally different approach to determine “how much Term” and “how much Perm.”

This presentation has just been compliance-approved for Consumer Use and comes with a 10 minute video and a point-of-sale PPT deck you can use with your clients.

Join us to find out how to use these new materials most effectively to change the way you sell life insurance.

Recently, an agent said  “I’ve been using this presentation for 1 ½ years now, and 95% of the time I tell this story I walk out with an app.”

This could change the trajectory of your 2023 sales.

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