
March 23, 2016 John Hancock- Joey Ussery Discusses LifeTrack a very innovative inforce policy management system
Recorded webinar: John Hancock LifeTrack

DoL Fiduciary Rule May Spur Product Innovation
If the Labor Department's fiduciary rule is finalized later this…

March 16, 2016 Berkshire Advisor Resource – Jackie Baker Discusses Multi-Life or Simplified Issue Disability Income
Recorded webinar: Berkshire Advisor Resource

House Speaker Ryan: DOL Fiduciary Rule Could Block 7 Million IRAs From Advice
The Republican leader vows to 'do everything possible' to stop…

March 2, 2016 Protective Life – Amanda Polasko from Protective Life Discusses IRA Maximization
Recorded webinar: Protective Life

DOL fiduciary rule will transform the annuity industry
If the Labor Department has its way, say goodbye to the variable…

February 17, 2016 AIG – Sales Ideas, New Products and Underwriting Updates.
Recorded webinar: AIG

February 3, 2016 Prudential – Life Insurance in Today’s Economic Times
Recorded webinar: Prudential
This presentation highlights what…

January 20, 2016 Nationwide – Social Security – The Choice of a Lifetime
Recorded webinar: Nationwide
For financial advisors, the Social…

January 6, 2016, Protective Life – Chronic Illness Riders
Recorded webinar: Protective
Learn more about Protective's…