Sales and Marketing Team:
Rosanne Kaufmann

As Sales Director, Rosanne Kaufmann is an accomplished wholesaler and champion of innovative product solutions for her agents and clients. Rosanne has demonstrated the leadership and technical talent to develop and place cases with innovative product and sales solutions during a career that spans nearly 20 years. During this time Rosanne acted as a personal producer as well as a regional for a wholesaling organization with a national presence. Rosanne assists 3 Mark in raising its profile with insurance professionals in Houston as well as nationwide.
Rosanne currently serves as the Director/Program Chair for the Houston chapter of the Society of Financial Services Professionals (SFSP) and is a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA).She is a past member of the Association for Advanced Life Underwriting and the Million Dollar Round Table’s Top of The Table and is on the Advisory Board of Leukemia & Lymphoma and served for two consecutive years as the Executive Committee Chair of the society’s Gulf Coast chapter.
Rosanne is on the Board of Directors of the Houston Jewish Community Foundation serving on the Professional Advisory Committee and is a life member of Hadassah, a National Council of Jewish Women. She is also a participating member of the Business & Professional Women’s Group of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, having served in various board roles.